کامپیوتر و شبکه::
دادههای مفقود
Missing data: Answers omitted by the respondent (nonresponse), questions skipped over by the enumerator / the data entry operator or dropout (when research is undertaken overtime such as school attendance).
, the missing data).
This technique preserves all cases by replacing missing data with a probable value based on other available information (i.e. the mean or median of other similar observed values).
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
دادههای مفقود
However, some of the logistical hurdles and set- tings in which a field study may take place provide a real threat to controlling variability and missing data.
Similar to attrition, how to handle missing data should be considered before embark- ing on a field study.
If the logistics of data collection are carefully planned, missing data may not be an issue, but the nature of field research studies lends themselves to unforeseen bar- riers.
If circumstances present themselves in which some missing data is inevitable, the priority must be given to data that is most salient to the research question.
There are many different ways to handle missing data, but the most important aspect is to minimize bias by handling it objectively ( 27).
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران